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Low amplitude, vibration-reducing compliant material pucks... but we like to call them ButterCups. Good things come in small packages. ButterCups are no exception. These tiny nuggets are worth their weight in gold. An application dreamt up by RockShox engineers’ never-ending quest for performance that empowers you with the confidence to ride safer, faster, and harder than ever before. ButterCups are all about boundary-breaking capability.

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Trail Chatter. We’re talking about the frequency domain—finding a solution to block the high-frequency vibrations that reverberate from the trail, through your fork, straight to your white-knuckled hands. Think fast sections full of roots or small rocks. ButterCups take the initial sting off to greatly reduce the chance of fatigue.

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Two little gold-packaged rubber pucks live at the end of the damper and air spring shafts and fit into the lower leg of the fork. Similar technology is found in off-road vehicles, chainsaws, and most devices that transfer high-frequency vibrations into the hands and arms of the user. Like a rubber mount on the handle of the chainsaw, ButterCups dampen high-frequency vibrations before they hit your hands and arms and lead to an early end to an otherwise good day.

How we did it…

Great things never come easily. Nailing down high-performance vibration damping took meticulous lab and field testing. Different durometers (the measurement of rubber hardness). Different geometries. Dozens of iterations. All to find that “just right” Goldilocks solution—durable enough to withstand trail beating after trail beating, while still being soft enough to do their job.

The Result?

ButterCups measurably eliminate trail chatter by 20%. Proven by science and technology, confirmed by riders and thousands of trail miles. Riders gain more stamina to hold on longer while having the confidence gained in knowing that the front-end is tracking precisely with the trail—you’re safe to push the limits harder than ever before.

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