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PowerLink Chain Connector SS1

{{spec.DisplayName}} - {{spec.Value}}

Versand nach .

Derzeit vergriffen bis .


Every chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In contrast, the PowerLink connection is just as strong and durable as every other link in the chain. It can be opened and closed as may times as you want without using any tools.

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Modell ID



Kompatibilität - Gänge 7s
Variante PowerLink
Farbe Light Grey
Finish SaltShaker


Montage. Service. Kompatibilität. Im SRAM-Service-Hub stehen alle Unterlagen zur Verfügung, die man für die Einrichtung, Verwendung und Wartung der Komponenten benötigt.

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PowerLink Chain Connector SS1

PowerLink Chain Connector SS1