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Flight Attendant
An era before electronics on bikes and when dropper posts were just making their way onto the scene. Fast forward seven years later, Flight Attendant was being fine-tuned for its worldwide debut. If you believe the hype (and we do), Flight Attendant may change the game forever. Buckle up. This will make mountain biking evolve. But before we go forward, let’s look back and talk to those who were part of the development of Flight Attendant from the ground up.
Flight Attendant
El nuevo algoritmo de Flight Attendant escucha y aprende de más fuentes de datos que nunca. Al recopilar información del terreno, la bicicleta y sobre ti, el Flight Attendant es capaz de tomar decisiones más inteligentes y precisas. Si a esto le añadimos funciones como el sistema Adaptive Ride Dynamics y los controles del sistema personalizables, la personalización de la suspensión pasará a un nivel completamente nuevo.
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