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If you love Paris-Roubaix, this episode of the Zipp Speed Podcast is for you.

Zipp returns to Paris-Roubaix’s famed Forest of Arenberg, again and again, to develop and prove new technology on the ancient pavé. Weeks before the 2021 Paris-Roubaix, Zipp technicians worked with the pros of Movistar Team as they rode the cobbles, comparing the performance of the new 303 Firecrest Tubeless with Total System Efficiency with the previous go-to wheel for Roubaix, the 303 Tubular. The results convinced the entire men and women’s Movistar Team squads for the first time to run tubeless in the Queen of the Classics. Find out how tubeless is all about making you faster.

First, Zipp Content Manager Daniel Lee talks with SRAM Racing Manager Jason Phillips to take you inside Zipp’s testing at Arenberg with Movistar Team. Then Daniel sits down with Zipp Advanced Development Engineer Ruan Trouw to explain the design of Zipp 303 Firecrest Tubeless with Total System Efficiency and Hookless Technology.

This episode includes specific discussions of test results – wattage gains, tire widths, and tire pressures. We also discuss how cyclists everywhere can use this information to be faster on the bike, whether you’re on cobbles on not.


The Zippcast · Tubeless Testing at Forest of Arenberg

Photos by @albert_valero